9 Preparations Before Leaving for China
Very relevant for those of you who are planning to study in China in the near future

Including those who have received scholarships too
Deals for scholarship applications are very limited, friends, so let’s register for the scholarship early! There are many other students applying at the same time, resulting in high competition and it can be difficult to get feedback.

Applying to several schools will give you a greater chance of getting a scholarship.

Some universities provide airport pick-up services for new students. Contact the university directly to check whether they provide this service.

The more we can speak Mandarin, the easier it will be for us to make friends and learn lessons there. There are friends from other countries who sometimes can’t speak English, so like it or not we have to use Mandarin to communicate.

Before going to China, you can prepare your Chinese well with Elite Linguistic Network.

Before going to China, there is a “mandatory” application that must be installed on your electronic device (laptop, cellphone or tablet), namely the VPN application. This application is very important for you who like to access sites such as Google, Gmail, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, WordPress, etc.

It seems like it’s no secret that these sites are blocked by the Chinese government, but of course there is a solution to overcome this. You can download VPN applications, some are free and some are paid. Many developers provide this application, for laptops, cellphones or tablets.

Generally, students live in campus dormitories, but they can also choose to live off campus. The point is to look at the policies of each campus. If you want permission to live outside, you must first have the knowledge or permission of the campus.

For you who are used to using a certain brand of medicine, it is also recommended that you take it to China, who knows, it might not be suitable for using the medicine that is there.

After arriving in China, we will need to  take care of important things such as residence permits, medcheck, re-registration, etc. So, a 3×4 or 4×6 photo will be needed.

Then, there is the question of whether photos can also be done in China?
Of course you can also take photos there, but there’s no harm if we are prepared first by bringing them from Singapore. If you can’t bring photos that have been printed, you can just bring a CD of the photos, then we can just print them there.

For those of you who come to China in winter or spring, around late October to April, it is recommended to bring thick clothes from Indonesia just in case. Just bringing 1/2 is enough, if you don’t have enough you can buy it in China so you don’t fill up your suitcase.

The thick clothes means the really thick ones, the ones for winter, the ones like in the movies. If it’s mid-spring, a regular jacket will suffice.

If you like sleeping with a bolster, don’t forget to bring a bolster from Singapore, a kind of vacuum bolster so it’s not difficult to carry it. Because bolsters are a rare item in China.